Dhruv ShahinAWS in Plain EnglishHow to Implement Custom Authentication on a Serverless Web Application Using Amazon CognitoA guide on implementing custom authentication on an AWS Web Application using Amazon Cognito.Nov 11, 2021Nov 11, 2021
Dhruv ShahVisual Programming using Orange ToolThis blog is for educational purposes only to learn about visual programming using Orange Tool.Oct 26, 20211Oct 26, 20211
Dhruv ShahIntroduction to Orange ToolThis task is for educational purposes on introduction to Orange ToolOct 26, 2021Oct 26, 2021
Dhruv ShahData Preprocessing using Scikit LearnThis task is for educational purposes on how to preprocess the data using Scikit learn library.Oct 26, 2021Oct 26, 2021
Dhruv ShahinAWS in Plain EnglishHow to Build a Lead Management System Using Serverless ArchitectureA guide on building a Lead management system using Serverless Architecture.Aug 12, 2021Aug 12, 2021
Dhruv ShahWeb-Scrapping in PythonThis task was just for educational purposes about how to use web-scrapping to extract data from the website.Jul 30, 2021Jul 30, 2021
Dhruv ShahSmart Waste Management System-Part 2-Storing and Extracting data from the DynamoDB database and…AWS Services: AWS IoT Core, AWS DynmoDB, AWS API Gateway, AWS IAM, AWS Lambda(python)Nov 5, 20201Nov 5, 20201
Dhruv ShahSmart Waste Management System-Part 1-Sending Data to AWS IoT Core using NodeMCU ESP8266Instruments & Services: AWS IoT Core, NodeMCU ESP8266 & Ultrasonic Sensor(HC-SR04)Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
Dhruv ShahHow to host your website on EC2 instance & How you can upload and update the bundle in many ways?AWS Services: AWS EC2 instance, AWS Route53. Other: Putty, PSFTP.Nov 5, 2020Nov 5, 2020
Dhruv ShahHow to create your first ALEXA skill using python ?Alexa is the new immerging field in the automation. As there are many things around us which works with ALEXA, you might think that…Jul 5, 2020Jul 5, 2020